about rtt and hypnotherapy
I am an RTT therapist / Clinical Hypnotherapist and all my sessions are done online and under hypnosis. While RTT therapy is conducted in a light depth of hypnosis with an active interaction with a client, my clients who suffer from Complex PTSD (PTSD) or other chronic conditions, undergo through a deeper state of body relaxation.

I strongly believe that words don't teach, or at least have a limited influence on our thoughts and beliefs, but experience does. If you are not familiar with hypnosis or any kind of relaxation techniques, follow the link below and listen to the audio which will take you to the that wonderful state where body and mind become one..
For the purpose of the exercise, I will take you to the world of inner comfort and lead you to witness the power of focus. One of the rules of the mind is that whatever we give our full attention to, becomes bigger and has more presence in our lives. Just listen with your mind open, no thinking or action required, just allow my voice to take you there.